Friday, July 13, 2007

DC Day 7

Loooooooong Day!
We picked up our rental car this morning around 8:30 and headed to Philly. It was great trip with lots to see and we took several pictures. I don't think we would have made it without the tom tom....thanks dad. In Philly we saw the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, and some crazy homeless guy. Seriously, that dude was crazy I mean he was wack! He walked by us and started yelling at this other guy, lets call him Mr. T (he had lots of "bling"). So he tells Mr. T., who happens to be setting in his minivan listening to booty shak'n music, you better get off my blankety property your blankety blank. Seriously he was swear'n up one side and down the other. He then proceeded down the block and started yelling at someone else. We were all subject to this as we enjoyed our WONDERFUL Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches!

We spent little time in Philly and weren't entirely impressed with what we saw. D.C. is much cleaner and nicer.

Our next stop on our journey was Gettysburg. Gettysburg is a really cool little town. We weren't able to see everything there because of the time of day but what we were able to see was very interesting. We saw battlefields, monuments, graves, and bikers. That's right I said bikers. They were hosting the 6th annual bike rally and there were a ton of motorcycles.
Look kids a deer!

After getting a bite to eat we decided to head back to the hotel. I must say the trip home was not as enjoyable as the trip up there. Things just aren't that pretty during the night time drive. The country side was just beautiful. We saw many rad bridges and even Amish villages along the road. All in all we had a great time and made memories that we will all treasure....oh yeah, get off of my blankety property! Now watch out for that bottom step.

Tomorrow...DC Ducks, Ford's Theater, back to the National Portrait Gallery, go see the White House, and maybe a monument or two.

Day 7 Pictures

Now I would like to take questions from the audience. Do you have any questions? If I don't know the answer I will be glad to make it up.


Unknown said...

Uh..Sir...Uh, Sir...
I have a question. Did George Washington really cross the Delaware and how long did it take him? What exit did he take and do they have a rest stop there? Did he really spit off the side of the boat? Is one leg shorter than the other? Did Martha make all his clothes? Did Betsy Ross use all cotton thread or did she use polyester? Did someone hit the liberty bell with a hammer or did they shoot it to make that crack?

Anonymous said...

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Wilson's said...

Who let Jason might have seen more if grandpa had not driven!!!

Looks like a few more great days are ahead of you. Glad you are seeing some rain!!!